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Sensors & Micro-Sensors

Sensors & Micro-Sensors

Sensors & Micro-Sensors

MICA research operation : Micro-sensors and Acoustic Sensors

Integrated into the LAUM's Transducers team (a team that has been present since the beginning of the laboratory), the OR Mica groups together research activities relating to micro-sensors and acoustic sensors. Micro-sensors include sensors and actuators using various types of transduction (thermal, thermo-electric, capacitive, electro-dynamic, piezo-electric, plasma, etc.).

These devices are most often MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) manufactured in clean rooms for various fields of application including mobile telephony, medical, aeronautics, etc. Collaborations in recent years have been conducted mainly with LNE-CNAM, SATIE-CNAM, CEA Leti, CEA -DAM, SAFRAN aircarft Engines, Université Rennes-1, ESIEE, UB Barcelona, CREMEN Sousse, ENSET-Med.V University Rabat, etc.

Etalon primaire de capteurs infrasonsEtalon primaire de capteurs infrasons

The systems developed in recent years are (among others) SAW sensors for pollutant detection, micro-antennas for improved breast cancer detection, MEMS microphones for mobile telephony, hybrid acoustic absorbers integrating MEMS technologies, a primary standard for infrasound sensors, ...



The design tools used are mainly electro-acoustic models with localised constants, analytical models integrating visco-thermal effects in the boundary layers and multi-physics finite element modelling.


The activities of the R.O. give rise to teaching in the IMDEA Master's programme and at the ENSIM within the IAGS.




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