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Raetz Samuel

Raetz Samuel
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Mes publications récentes sur HAL

Juliette Alcaraz, Samuel Raetz, Sylvain Mezil, Claire Prada, Nikolay Chigarev, et al.. Edge waves monitored by laser ultrasonics for the detection of a crack. 2023 International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU), Sep 2023, Beijing, China hal-04300800
Maroun Abi Ghanem, Samuel Raetz, Olivier Hamant, Thomas Dehoux. Designing plant-based phononic materials for the manipulation of sub-GHz acoustic waves. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France hal-03848092
Juliette Alcaraz, Samuel Raetz, Sylvain Mézil, Claire Prada, Nikolay Chigarev, et al.. Étude des résonances acoustiques à proximité d'une fissure par ultrasons laser. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France hal-03848190
Nikolay Chigarev, Karol Strzalkowski, Vitalyi Gusev, Przemyslaw Sedzicki, Juliette Alcaraz, et al.. Evaluation of elastic properties of Cd(x)Zn(1-x)Te crystals by picosecond laser ultrasonic techniques. 16ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA2022, Société Française d'Acoustique; Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Apr 2022, Marseille, France hal-03848186
Maroun Abi Ghanem, Liliane Khoryati, Reza Behrou, Amey Khanolkar, Samuel Raetz, et al.. Growing phenotype-controlled phononic materials from plant cells scaffolds. Applied Materials Today, 2021, 22, pp.100934 hal-03169367
Nikolay Chigarev, Sandeep Sathyan, Samuel Raetz, Vincent Tournat, Alain Bulou, et al.. Studying the polymerization of 2-(hydroxyethyl) methacrylate using laser ultrasonics techniques. e-Forum Acusticum (FA2020), Dec 2020, Lyon, France hal-03101186
Nikolay Chigarev, Sandeep Sathyan, Samuel Raetz, Vincent Tournat, Alain Bulou, et al.. Studying the polymerisation of 2-(hydroxyethyl) methacrylate using time-domain Brillouin scattering technique. Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.1903-1904 hal-03240263
Olivier Dazel, Simon Félix, Samuel Raetz, Vicente Romero-García, Vincent Tournat. Master level education by and through research: the first-year feedback-story of the international master on Wave Physics & Acoustics at Le Mans University. Forum Acusticum, Dec 2020, Lyon, France. pp.2595-2595 hal-03231870
Nikolay Chigarev, E. L. Savi, Samuel Raetz, Vincent Tournat, Alain Bulou, et al.. Three-dimensional imaging of inhomogeneities in transparent solids compressed in a DAC by time-domain Brillouin scattering. 57th European High Pressure Research Group (EHPRG) Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology, Sep 2019, Prague, Czech Republic hal-02352695
Elton de Lima Savi, Nikolay Chigarev, Samuel Raetz, Vincent Tournat, Alain Bulou, et al.. Three-dimensional imaging of H2O ice at high pressure by time-domain Brillouin scattering. The 20th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (ICPPP20), Jul 2019, Moscow, Russia hal-02408342