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Feron Romain

Feron Romain

FERON Romain




Researcher - ESEO group





Optical, Signal and Image Methods for Acoustics

Activity at the LAUM

Romain Feron is a member of the LAUM and a teacher-researcher in the ESEO Group, where he is responsible for the GSII team. His research activities mainly concern instrumentation, signal processing and geophysical data analysis. He teaches on the engineering cycle in the fields of instrumentation, signal and image processing and analogue electronics.

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Mes publications récentes sur HAL

Romain Feron, Guy Plantier, Pascal Bernard. Long-range optical instruments for high resolution monitoring of natural and geoindustrial sites in harsh environments. GO2S Guided Optics & Sensor Systems, 2022 conference, Jun 2022, Bordeaux, France hal-03752068
Romain Feron, Guy Plantier, Mathieu Feuilloy, Philippe Menard, Guillaume Savaton, et al.. High resolution optical displacement sensor: Development and qualification for remote applications in seismology and volcanology. Rencontres Scientifiques OVSM-IPGP-PREST : Volcanisme, sismicité et tectonique des Grandes et des Petites Antilles, May 2022, Saint-Pierre, Martinique hal-03752077
Pascal Bernard, Guy Plantier, Philippe Ménard, Mathieu Feuilloy, Romain Feron, et al.. Optical long range instruments for high resolution monitoring of geohazard in harsh environment. 5èmes Rencontres Scientifiques et Techniques Résif, Nov 2021, Obernai (67210), France hal-03482639
Romain Feron. Développement de sismomètres opto-mécaniques multivoies, à fibre plurikilométrique, pour des applications temps réel académiques et industrielles. Traitement du signal et de l'image [eess.SP]. Le Mans Université, 2021. Français tel-03414356
Romain Feron, Pascal Bernard, Mathieu Feuilloy, Philippe Menard, Alexandre Nercessian, et al.. First optical seismometer at the top of La Soufrière volcano, Guadeloupe. Seismological Research Letters, 2020, 91 (5), pp.2448-2457 hal-02881858
Pascal Bernard, Romain Feron, Guy Plantier, Alexandre Nercessian, Julien Couteau, et al.. High resolution passive optical seismometer connected to a long fiber for onland and offshore remote applications. EGU General Assembly 2019, Apr 2019, Vienne, Austria hal-02473113
Pascal Bernard, Romain Feron, Guy Plantier, Alexandre Nercessian, Julien Couteau, et al.. Onland and Offshore Extrinsic Fabry–Pérot Optical Seismometer at the End of a Long Fiber. Seismological Research Letters, 2019, 90 (6), pp.2205-2216 hal-02380162
Romain Feron, Pascal Bernard, Guy Plantier, Mathieu Feuilloy, Alexandre Nercessian, et al.. Sismomètre optique sous-marin - Conception et déploiement. G2 ⋅ Colloque annuel de géodésie et géophysique, Nov 2018, Montpellier, France hal-02474147
Romain Feron, Pascal Bernard, Guy Plantier, Alexandre Nercessian, Mathieu Feuilloy. Sismomètre optique sous-marin : avancement et perspectives. G2 ⋅ Colloque annuel de géodésie et géophysique, Nov 2018, Montpellier, France hal-02473315
Pascal Bernard, Guy Plantier, Christophe Brunet, Alexandre Nercessian, Anthony Sourice, et al.. The lines high resolution optical seismometer. EAGE/DGG Workshop on Fibre Optics Technology in Geophysics (EAGE/DGG 2017), Mar 2017, Postdam, Germany. 2017 hal-02474173